Small but Powerful and Efficient

TreeFrog Framework is a high-speed and full-stack C++ framework for developing Web applications, which supports HTTP and WebSocket protocol.

Web applications can run faster than that of scripting language because the server-side framework was written in C++/Qt. In application development, it provides an O/R mapping system and template systems on an MVC architecture, aims to achieve high productivity through the policy of convention over configuration.


  1. High performance - Highly optimized Application server engine of C++.
  2. O/R mapping - Conceals complex and troublesome database accesses
  3. Template system - ERB-like template engine adopted
  4. Supported databases - MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, ODBC, MongoDB, Redis, Memcached, etc.
  5. WebSocket support - Providing full-duplex communications channels
  6. Generator - Generates scaffolds, Makefiles and vue.js templates
  7. Various response types - JSON, XML and CBOR
  8. Multi-platform - Same source code can work on Windows, macOS and Linux
  9. OSS - New BSD License

Selecting TreeFrog Framework

It is said that there is a trade-off relationship between development efficiency and operation speed in web application development, is it really true?

There is not such a thing. it is possible to develop efficiently by providing convenient development tools and excellent libraries from the framework and by specifying specifications to minimize the configuration file.

In recent years, cloud computing has emerged, the importance of Web applications is increasing year by year. Although it is known that the execution speed of the script language decreases as the amount of code increases, C++ language can operate at the fastest speed with a small memory footprint and does not decrease execution speed even as the amount of code increases.

Multiple application servers running in scripting language can be aggregated into one without degrading performance. Try TreeFrog Framework which combines high productivity and high speed operation!


Jun. 16, 2024

TreeFrog Framework version 2.9.0 (stable) release New!

  • Fix a bug in the access log output regarding status codes.
  • Modified to set NULL into DB when the value is QString() in TSqlObject.
  • Added a function, TAbstractModel::setProperties(const QJsonObject &properties).
  • Updated mongoc driver to v1.26.2.
  • Updated glog to v0.7.0.

Download this version

Dec. 10, 2023

TreeFrog Framework version 2.8.0 (stable) release

  • Support prepared statements for PostgreSQL and MySQL.
  • Fix compilation error on Emscripten.

Mar. 26, 2023

TreeFrog Framework version 2.7.1 (stable) release

  • Fix a bug of opening shared memory KVS.
  • Modified to reply NotFound when it can not invoke the action.

Feb. 25, 2023

TreeFrog Framework version 2.7.0 (stable) release

  • Fix possibility of thread conflicting when receiving packets.
  • Changed hash algorithm to HMAC of SHA3.
  • Added Memcached as session store.
  • Updated malloc algorithm of TSharedMemoryAllocator.
  • Updated system logger.
  • Performance improvement for pooling database connections.

Jan. 21, 2023

TreeFrog Framework version 2.6.1 (stable) release

  • Fix a bug of outputting access log.
  • Added a link option for LZ4 shared library on Linux or macOS.

Jan. 2, 2023

TreeFrog Framework version 2.6.0 (stable) release

  • Implemented in-memory KVS for cache system.
  • Added a link option for Glog shared library.
  • Fix bugs of macros for command line interface.
  • Updated LZ4 to v1.9.4.

Nov. 1, 2022

TreeFrog Framework version 2.5.0 (stable) release

  • Implemented flushResponse() function to continue the process after sending a response.
  • Updated glog to v0.6.0
  • Performance improvement for redis client.
  • Implemented memcached client. [Experimental]
  • Implemented a cache-store for memcached, TCacheMemcachedStore class.

Aug. 13, 2022

TreeFrog Framework version 2.4.0 (stable) release

  • Implemented memory store for cache.
  • Updated Mongo C driver to v1.21.2.

May 28, 2022

TreeFrog Framework version 2.3.1 (stable) release

  • Fix compilation errors on Qt 6.3.

All changelogs

Support Development

TreeFrog Framework is New BSD licensed open source project and completely free to use. However, the amount of effort needed to maintain and develop new features for the project is not sustainable without proper financial backing. We accept donations from sponsors and individual donors via the following methods:

I would be pleased if you could consider donating. Thank you!


  • Developers, testers, translators.

Since this site is built with GitHub Pages, translations can also be sent by a pull-request. Visit GitHub. Welcome!


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