SQL Query

SqlObject function is sufficient when you need to read a simple record, but when the processing is complex such as when relating to multiple tables, you may want to publish an SQL query directly. In this framework, it is possible to generate a query safely by using a placeholder.

The following code is an example of issuing a query using placeholders for ODBC format:

TSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("INSERT INTO blog (id, title, body) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
query.addBind(100).addBind(tr("Hello")).addBind(tr("Hello world"));
query.exec();  // Query execution

Here is an example using a named placeholder:

TSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("INSERT INTO blog (id, title, body) VALUES (:id, :title, :body)");
query.bind(":id", 100).bind(":title", tr("Hello")).bind(":body", tr("Hello world"));
query.exec();  // Query execution

How to retrieve the data from the query result is the same as the QSqlQuery class of Qt:

TSqlQuery query;
query.exec("SELECT id, title FROM blog");  // Query execution
while (query.next()) {
    int id = query.value(0).toInt(); //  Convert the field first to int type
    QString str = query.value(1).toString(); // Convert the second field to QString type
    // do something

The same method can be used for the TSqlQuery class, because it inherits the QSqlQuery class of Qt.

In brief: queries can be created using placeholders in all cases.

In fact, you can see any query that has been executed in the query log file.

Reading a Query From a File

Because it’s necessary to compile after every time you write or modify a query statement in the source code, you might find it a bit of a hassle during the application development. To alleviate this, there is a mechanism for writing only query statements to a separate file to be loaded at runtime.

The file is placed in the sql directory (however, the directory can be changed through the application.ini). The insert_blog.sql is temporary, I’ll describe the contents below.

INSERT INTO blog (id, title, body) VALUES (?, ?, ?)

The following is the source code. We will read the insert_blog.sql file with the load() method.

TSqlQuery query;
query.addBind(100).addBind(tr("Hello")).addBind(tr("Hello world"));
query.exec();  // Query execution

The cache works inside the load() method (but only when thread module is applied in MPM. The query is read from the file only on the first occasion, after that it is used from the cache memory, so it then works at high speed.
After the file has been updated, we need to restart the server in order to read the query statement.

 $ treefrog -k abort ;   treefrog -d  -e dev

Or like the following:

 $ treefrog -k restart

Get an ORM Object from the Result of a Query

In the above method, it is necessary to retrieve the value of every field from the results of the query; however, single records can be extracted as ORM objects in the following manner.

Run the query using the TSqlQueryMapper object. Then extract the ORM object from the results using an iterator. It’s important to specify the ‘blog. *’ in the SELECT statement in order to select and target all fields.

TSqlQueryORMapper<BlogObject> mapper;
mapper.prepare("SELECT blog.* FROM blog WHERE ...");
mapper.exec();  // Query execution
TSqlQueryORMapperIterator<BlogObject> it(mapper);
while (it.hasNext()) {
    BlogObject obj = it.next();
    // do something

If you need to extract only one ORM object and you can get the results using the execFirst() method.