On a Web site, a variety of information will be carried over from one page to another. A familiar example is the shopping cart in which the selected product numbers are carried across the page.
The HTTP protocol doesn’t retain any information (it is said to be stateless). Therefore, some kind of mechanism is necessary in order to retain the information. The mechanism for this is called a session; it will be provided by the framework (or language).
- In addition, in another sense, there is also the case where the Web site visitor refers to a “series of communications” to leave the site.
Adding Data to the Session
To add data to a session, do the following:
session().insert("name", "foo");
session().insert("index", 123);
Access to the session in the action. Alternatively, we could also write as follows:
session()["name"] = "foo";
session()["index"] = 123;
Reading the Data from the Session
Read the data from the session as follows:
QString name = session().value("name").toString();
int index = session().value("index").toInt();
Alternatively, we could also write as follows:
QString name = session()["name"].toString();
int index = session()["index"].toInt();
Set the Session Destination
As you have seen so far, the session can be considered an “associative array (hash)” with the key-value pairs, where the data is represented as strings. The session itself is a single object, but somewhere we need to save (persisting) information in order to be able to carry it over between pages.
In TreeFrog Framework, you can select one file, RDB (SqlObject), from cookies as the storage location for a session. This is achieved by using the Session.StoreType setting in the application.ini.
Set a Cookie to a Location to Save the Session
If you would like to set a cookie destination, you can simply write:
By saving cookies, so that the contents of the session will be saved to the client (browser) side, the contents will be available for the users to view if you wish to allow it. Information that should not be shown to the user should be saved on the server (such as RDB). As a rule, you should try to put in the session only a minimum amount of necessary information.
Session Save File Destination
If you would like to set a destination for your cookie files, you can simply write the following (Session files will be continuously made in the tmp directory of the application root directory):
This method isn’t much used if the AP server is parallelized on multiple machines. Because the request from the user doesn’t always reach the same AP server, a shared file server is required as the destination of the session file. Furthermore, in order to operate properly and safely, a file locking mechanism is needed.
Set the RDB where to Save the Session
As a prerequisite, the database information has been set in the database.ini file.
In order to save the session to RDB, a table is required. Therefore, let’s create a ‘session’ table in the database with an SQL statement such as the following:
Example in MySQL :
> CREATE TABLE session (id VARCHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY, data BLOB, updated_at TIMESTAMP);
The application.ini file should also be edited.
That’s all we need to do. If necessary, the system can be allowed to save the rest of the session to the DB.
Session Lifetime
The validity period (measured in seconds) of a session is set to Session.LifeTime in the configuration file. If the expiration date has passed, the session is erased or destroyed leaving nothing behind. In addition, you can specify 0, which means that the session will be valid only while the browser is running. In this case, the session is discarded when the browser is closed.
One session is assigned for each browser. Each different PC has a different session, and the session is also different if a different browser is used on the same PC.
The Framework keeps track of the sessions by allocating each one with a number.
A unique ID (hard to guess) will be allocated to each session. The ID is stored in the PC browser as a cookie and sent again aboard to the HTTP request, unless the expiration date has been exceeded. The Framework then finds the session from the storage location corresponding to the ID.