
First of all, we need to install the Qt library in advance.

On Windows and macOS, download the package from the Qt site and install it. On Linux, you can install a package for each distribution.

In case of Ubuntu: Install the Qt libraries and dev tools:

 $ sudo apt-get install -y qt5-default qt5-qmake libqt5sql5-mysql libqt5sql5-psql
 libqt5sql5-odbc libqt5sql5-sqlite libqt5core5a libqt5qml5 libqt5xml5 qtbase5-dev
 qtdeclarative5-dev qtbase5-dev-tools gcc g++ make cmake

Now install the DB client libraries:

 $ sudo apt-get install -y libmysqlclient-dev libpq5 libodbc1 libmongoc-dev libbson-dev

Installation Instructions

  1. Extract the file you just have downloaded.

    The following command applies to version ‘x.x.x’. Please update it appropriately.

     $ tar xvfz treefrog-x.x.x.tar.gz
  2. Run build commands.

    In Windows: Please create a binary of two types for release and for debugging. Start the Qt Command Prompt and then build with the following commands. The configuration batch should be run twice.

      > cd treefrog-x.x.x
      > configure --enable-debug
      > cd src
      > nmake install
      > cd ..\tools
      > nmake install
      > cd ..
      > configure
      > cd src
      > nmake install
      > cd ..\tools
      > nmake install

    In UNIX-based OS Linux, and macOS: Enter the following command from the command line:

      $ cd treefrog-x.x.x
      $ ./configure
      $ cd src
      $ make
      $ sudo make install
      $ cd ../tools
      $ make
      $ sudo make install

    Note: In order to debug the TreeFrog Framework itself, please use the configure option. Now please run this command:

      ./configure --enable-debug

    The next command updates the dynamic linker runtime bindings in Linux only.

      $ sudo ldconfig
  3. Create a shortcut of TreeFrog Command Prompt (Windows only). Right-click on the folder on which you want to create a shortcut and select “New” and then click the “Shortcut”. Set the links as follows:

    C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /K  C:\TreeFrog\x.x.x\bin\tfenv.bat

    (‘x.x.x’ represents the current version you use)

    Create Shortcut

    Set the Shortcut name to ‘TreeFrog Command Prompt’.

    Shortcut name

Configure Option

By specifying various options, you can customize to suit your environment.

Options available on Windows using “Configure option”:

 > configure --help
 Usage: configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
   -h, --help          display this help and exit
   --enable-debug      compile with debugging information
   --enable-gui-mod    compile and link with QtGui module
   --enable-mongo      compile with MongoDB driver library

 Installation directories:
   --prefix=PREFIX     install files in PREFIX [C:\TreeFrog\x.x.x]

Options available on Linux, and UNIX-like OS:

 $ ./configure --help
 Usage: ./configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
   -h, --help          display this help and exit
   --enable-debug      compile with debugging information
   --enable-gui-mod    compile and link with QtGui module
   --enable-mongo      compile with MongoDB driver library
   --spec=SPEC         use SPEC as QMAKESPEC

 Installation directories:
   --prefix=PREFIX     install files in PREFIX [/usr]

 Fine tuning of the installation directories:
   --bindir=DIR        user executables [/usr/bin]
   --libdir=DIR        object code libraries [/usr/lib]
   --includedir=DIR    C header files [/usr/include/treefrog]
   --datadir=DIR       read-only architecture-independent data [/usr/share/treefrog]

Options available in macOS:

 $ ./configure --help
 Usage: ./configure [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
   -h, --help          display this help and exit
   --enable-debug      compile with debugging information
   --enable-gui-mod    compile and link with QtGui module
   --enable-mongo      compile with MongoDB driver library

 Fine tuning of the installation directories:
   --framework=PREFIX  install framework files in PREFIX [/Library/Frameworks]
   --bindir=DIR        user executables [/usr/bin]
   --datadir=DIR       read-only architecture-independent data [/usr/share/treefrog